Sub-Total: $241.13
METALLICA Official Woven Patch (thrash metal) (1740) 1 × $7.99
NUCLEAR DEATH ...(death grind) 1923 3 × $6.66
DEATHSPELL OMEGA ...(black metal) 2393 2 × $6.66
CORPSE MOLESTATION Embroidered Patch (grind core) 3789 4 × $6.66
GOAT VULVA Embroidered Patch (black metal) 1392 3 × $6.66
IRON MAIDEN Official Woven Patch (heavy metal) (1523) 1 × $7.99
IN THE WOODS ...(black metal) 1232 2 × $6.66
SEPULTURA...(death thrash) (1448) 2 × $7.99
DANZIG Necklace Pendant (thrash metal) ...039 1 × $13.99
MOTORHEAD Necklace Pendant (nwobhm) ...059 1 × $13.99
DESTRUCTION Necklace Pendant (thrash metal) ...063 1 × $13.99
IRON MAIDEN...(in your mouth.) 026 1 × $16.66
SEPULTURA ...(nation.) 040 1 × $16.66
DEEDS OF FLESH... (death metal) 572 1 × $6.66
DARK FUNERAL ...(black metal) Beanie Hat Cap band Logo 019 1 × $19.99
MUNICIPAL WASTE Necklace Pendant (thrash metal) ...061 1 × $13.99
Subtotal: $241.13
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