Woven Patches

Showing 1–99 of 637 results

1349… Woven Patch (black metal) Norway (1105)

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1349… Woven Patch (black metal) Norway (417)

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1349… Woven Patch (black metal) Norway (330)

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ABBATH… Woven Patch (black metal) Norway (2032)

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ABBATH… Woven Patch (black metal) Norway (3976)

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ABIGOR Woven Patch (black metal) Austria (2078)

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ABOMINATION Woven Patch (death thrash) U.S.A (1966)

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ABORTED Official Woven Patch (slam death) Belgium (1416)

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ABSU Woven Patch (black metal) 1138

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AC/DC Official Woven Patch (classic rock) (1867)

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AC/DC Official Woven Patch (hard rock) (1870)

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AC/DC …(hard rock) (1216)

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AC/DC …(hard rock) (1873)

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AC/DC …(hard rock) (1876)

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AC/DC …(hard rock) 1524

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AC/DC Official Woven Patch (hard rock) (1989)

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ACCEPT Official Woven Patch (heavy metal) (1616)

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AGENT STEEL Woven Patch (power thrash) U.S.A 4085

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AGENT STEEL …(thrash speed) 134

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AGNOSTIC FRONT …(hardcore) (192)

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AGNOSTIC FRONT… Woven Patch (hardcore) U.S.A (2703)

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AIRBOURNE Official Woven Patch (hard rock) (3411)

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AIRBOURNE Official Woven Patch (hard rock) (1810)

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AMEBIX… Woven Patch (crust punk) U.K (1926)

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AMON Woven Patch (death metal) U.S.A. (059)

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AMON AMARTH …(viking metal) (1891)

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AMON AMARTH …(viking metal) (2026)

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AMON AMARTH …(viking metal) (2360)

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AMON AMARTH …(viking metal) (682)

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AMON AMARTH… Official Woven Patch (viking metal) Sweden (008)

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AMORPHIS Woven Patch (melodic doom) Finland (664)

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AMORPHIS Official Woven Patch (melodic death) (RAZAMATAZ003)

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ANARCHY SIGN …(punk rock) (1266)

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ANATHEMA Official Woven Patch (atmospheric metal) (2172)

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ANTHRAX Woven Patch (thrash metal) U.S.A. (3974)

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ANTHRAX Woven Patch (thrash metal) U.S.A. 3137

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ANTHRAX Woven Patch (thrash metal) U.S.A. 3169

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ANTHRAX Official Woven Patch (thrash metal) (1516)

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ANTHRAX Official Woven Patch (thrash metal) (1517)

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ANTHRAX Official Woven Patch (thrash metal) (2966)

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ANTHRAX Official Woven Patch (thrash metal) (3556)

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ANTHRAX …(thrash metal) (2824)

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ANTHRAX …(thrash metal) (2825)

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ANTHRAX …(thrash metal) (2826)

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ANTHRAX …(thrash metal) (2827)

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ANTHRAX …(thrash metal) 2594

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ANTHRAX… Official Woven Patch (thrash metal) U.S.A (3527)

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ARCH ENEMY …(melodic death) (1575)

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ARCH ENEMY …(melodic death) (1576)

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ARCHGOAT Woven Patch (black metal) 546

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ARCHSPIRE… Woven Patch (death metal) Canada (4066)

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ARCKANUM Woven Patch …(pagan black) (3937)

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ARCKANUM Woven Patch …(pagan black) (3914)

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ASPHYX… Woven Patch (death thrash) Netherlands 3378

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AT WAR Woven Patch (thrash speed) U.S.A 4053

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ATROPHY… Woven Patch (thrash metal) U.S.A (2423)

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ATROPHY… Woven Patch (thrash metal) U.S.A (3339)

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ATROPHY… Woven Patch (thrash metal) U.S.A (4182)

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AUDN Woven Patch …(atmospheric black) (3907)

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AUTOPSY Woven Patch (death metal) U.S.A. (6661)

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AUTOPSY… Woven Patch (death metal) U.S.A (3903)

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AVULSED …(brutal death) (1964)

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BAL SAGOTH …(cosmic black) (1617)

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BAPHOMET …(black metal) (6667)

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BATHORY… Woven Patch (epic black) Sweden (1857)

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BATUSHKA Woven Patch (atmospheric black) Poland 051

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BENIGHTED… Woven Patch (death grind) France (1501)

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BENIGHTED… Woven Patch (death grind) France (4008)

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BEOWULF …(speed thrash) (2408)

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BEOWULF… Woven Patch (speed thrash) U.S.A (498)

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BEYOND CREATION… Woven patch (technical death) Canada (327)

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BLACK SABBATH Official Woven Patch (heavy metal) (1581)

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BLACK SABBATH Official Woven Patch (heavy metal) (1742)

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BLACK SABBATH Official Woven Patch (heavy metal) (1746)

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BLACK SABBATH Official Woven Patch (heavy metal) (1747)

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BLACK SABBATH Official Woven Patch (heavy metal) (2908)

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BLACK SABBATH Official Woven Patch (heavy metal) (2910)

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BLACK WIDOW …(hard rock) (3009)

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BLASPHEMY… Woven Patch (black metal) Canada (216)

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BLOODBATH Official Woven Patch (death metal) (205)

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BLOODBATH Official Woven Patch (death metal) Sweden (006)

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BLUE OYSTER CULT… Woven Patch (hard rock) U.S.A 416

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BULLET …(heavy metal) (881)

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BURZUM… Woven Patch (black metal) Norway 117

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BURZUM… Woven Patch (black metal) Norway 1950

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BURZUM… Woven Patch (black metal) Norway 4181

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BURZUM… Woven Patch (black metal) Norway 4185

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CANNABIS CORPSE… Woven Patch (death metal) U.S.A (3900)

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CARACH ANGREN… Woven Patch (symphonic black) Netherlands (1732)

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CARACH ANGREN… Woven Patch (symphonic black) Netherlands (3433)

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CARACH ANGREN… Woven Patch (symphonic black) Netherlands (3896)

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CARACH ANGREN… Woven patch (symphonic black) Netherlands (355)

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CARCASS Official Woven Patch (death grind) (RAZAMATAZ030)

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CARCASS Official Woven Patch (death grind) U.K. (4101)

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CARNATION… Woven Patch (death metal) Netherlands (3301)

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CARNIVORE… Woven Patch (thrash metal) U.S.A (2226)

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CARPATHIAN FOREST Woven Patch (black metal) Norway (3910)

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CELTIC FROST …(epic black) (2633)

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CLOAK… Woven Patch (black metal) U.S.A (766)

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