Sub-Total: $198.87
MARDUK Sticker / Decal (black metal). 093 1 × $3.99
DANZIG Necklace Pendant (thrash metal) ...039 1 × $13.99
KREATOR Necklace Pendant (thrash metal) ...064 1 × $13.99
GRAVELAND Necklace Pendant (black metal) ...048 1 × $13.99
SLAYER... (death thrash). 103 1 × $3.99
CEPHALIC CARNAGE Sticker / Decal (grindcore). 109 1 × $3.99
CATAMENIA - Bringing The Cold To Poland (012) 1 × $18.00
NUCLEAR ASSAULT - Louder Harder Faster (057) 1 × $16.00
CARCASS - Wake Up & Smell The... Carcass (034) 2 × $20.00
ANTHRAX - Music of Mass Destruction (077) 1 × $22.00
BEHEXEN Textile Backpatch (black metal) 6661 1 × $12.99
BEHEXEN Embroidered Backpatch (black metal) 210 1 × $15.99
ICED EARTH Sticker / Decal (power metal). 119 1 × $3.99
KISS .... (heavy metal). 108 1 × $3.99
DISSECTION Sticker / Decal (melodic black metal) 097 1 × $3.99
DREAM THEATER Sticker / Decal (progressive metal) 092 1 × $3.99
NILE Sticker / Decal (death metal). 120 1 × $3.99
Subtotal: $198.87
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