Woven Patches

Showing 100–198 of 648 results

CLOAK… Woven Patch (black metal) U.S.A (766)

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CORONER Woven Patch (technical thrash) Switzerland (3894)

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CRADLE OF FILTH Official Woven Patch (thrash metal) (RAZ096)

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CRADLE OF FILTH Official Woven Patch (black metal) (RAZA124)

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CRADLE OF FILTH Official Woven Patch (black metal) (219)

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CRADLE OF FILTH Official Woven Patch (black metal) (2739)

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CRADLE OF FILTH …(black metal) (1807)

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CRADLE OF FILTH… Official Woven Patch (symphony black) U.K (173)

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CRASS …(punk rock) (2451)

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CRO-MAGS …(harcore punk) 3246

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CROSSFIRE …(heavy metal) (3098)

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D.R.I. …(crossover) (3692)

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D.R.I. …(crossover) (3785)

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D.R.I… Woven Patch (crossover) U.S.A (120)

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D.R.I… Woven Patch (crossover) U.S.A (1780)

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DANZIG ….(goth metal) …(1721)

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DANZIG ….(goth metal) …(1755)

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DANZIG ….(goth metal) …(1757)

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DANZIG …(gothic rock) 1305

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DANZIG …(gothic rock) 3084

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DARK ANGEL …(thrash metal) 807

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DARK ANGEL… Woven Patch (thrash metal) U.S.A (4173)

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DARK FUNERAL… Woven Patch (black metal) Sweden (2352)

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DARK FUNERAL… Woven Patch (black metal) Sweden (2705)

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DARK FUNERAL… Woven Patch (black metal) Sweden 3356

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DARKTHRONE Official Woven Patch (black metal) (1070)

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DARKTHRONE Official Woven Patch (black metal) (2180)

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DARKTHRONE Official Woven Patch (black metal) (1496)

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DARKTHRONE… Official Woven Patch (black metal) Norway (1494)

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DEAD KENNEDYS …(punk rock) (2928)

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DEAD KENNEDYS …(punk rock) (6661)

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DEATH Official Woven Patch (death thrash) U.S.A. (077)

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DEATH Woven Patch (death metal) 3424

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DEATH SS …(gothic industrial) (2458)

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DEATH… Woven Patch (death metal) U.S.A 4184

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DEATHROW …(technical thrash) (2400)

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DEATHWISH Woven Patch (thrash metal) U.K. (029)

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DEF LEPPARD …(nwobhm) (2940)

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DEICIDE Official Woven Patch (death metal) (RAZAMATAZ066)

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DEICIDE …(death metal) (1049)

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DER WEG EINER FREIHEIT… Woven Patch (black metal) German (1707)

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DESASTER… Woven Patch (black thrash) Germany 2099

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DESTROYER 666 Woven Patch (black metal) 282

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DESTROYER 666 …(black thrash) (2045)

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DESTRUCTION Official Woven Patch (thrash metal) (599)

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DESTRUCTION …(thrash metal) (1585)

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DESTRUCTION… Woven Patch (thrash metal) Germany 1079

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DESTRUCTION… Woven Patch (thrash metal) Germany (2930)

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DESTRUCTOR Woven Patch …(thrash speed) (3952)

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DIMMU BORGIR Official Woven Patch (symphonic black) (1660)

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DIMMU BORGIR… Official Woven Patch (black metal) Norway (254)

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DIMMU BORGIR…(black metal) (630)

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DIO Official Woven Patch (heavy metal) (1556)

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DISMEMBER… Woven Patch (death metal) Sweden 1442

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DISSECTION… Woven Patch (melodic black) Sweden (1606)

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DOWN Official Woven Patch (nu metal) U.S.A. (007)

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DR. KNOW …(crossover) (2407)

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DRUDKH… Woven Patch (black metal) Ukraine (3127)

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DRUDKH… Woven Patch (black metal) Ukraine (2541)

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DRUDKH… Woven Patch (pagan black) Ukraine (3890)

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DRUDKH… Woven Patch (pagan black) Ukraine (4089)

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DRUDKH… Woven Patch (pagan black) Ukraine (4098)

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DRUDKH… Woven Patch (pagan black) Ukraine (582)

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EMPEROR …(black metal) (414)

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EMPEROR… Woven Patch (black metal) Norway (4069)

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ENFORCER Woven Patch (heavy metal) (2969)

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ENSIFERUM Official Woven Patch (viking folk) (1803)

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ENSIFERUM …(viking folk) (1667)

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ENSIFERUM…(viking folk) (096)

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ENSIFERUM…(viking folk) (487)

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ENTOMBED Official Woven Patch (death metal) (2452)

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ENTOMBED A.D. …(death metal) (2465)

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ENTOMBED… Woven Patch (death metal) Sweden 3935

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EXCEL Woven Patch (crossover) (2404)

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EXHORDER …(thrash metal) (1141)

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EXODUS …(thrash metal) (2448)

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FEAR FACTORY Official Woven Patch (industrial metal) (319)

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FEAR FACTORY …(industrial metal) (1726)

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FEAR OF GOD… Woven Patch (brutal grind) Switzerland (084)

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FLESHGRIND …(gore grind) (409)

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FRANKENSTEIN …(hammer films) (3361)

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GAEREA… Woven Patch (black metal) Portugal (198)

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GAEREA… Woven Patch (black metal) Portugal (3947)

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GEHENNAH Woven Patch (black thrash) 4072

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GHOST Official Woven Patch (heavy rock) (1582)

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GHOST BRIGADE …(death doom) (2043)

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GOREROTTED… Woven Patch (brutal death) U.K (783)

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GORGUTTS …(death metal) (2042)

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GRAND MAGUS …(doom metal) (3187)

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GRAVE DIGGER Woven Patch (speed heavy) (4178)

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GRAVEYARD …(hard rock) (1347)

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GRIM REAPER… Woven Patch (nwobhm) U.K (2168)

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GRIM REAPER…(nwobhm) 2635

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GROTESQUE Woven Patch …(death metal) 3353

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GUNS ‘N’ ROSES Official Woven Patch (glam rock) (3393)

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GUNS ‘N’ ROSES Official Woven Patch (glam rock) (3395)

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GUNS ‘N’ ROSES Official Woven Patch (glam rock) (3399)

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GUNS ‘N’ ROSES Woven Patch (glam rock) Official (3403)

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