Sub-Total: $156.56
GRAVELAND Necklace Pendant (black metal) ...048 1 × $13.99
HE WHO BINDS HIMSELF (usa) He Who Binds Himself AZDG08 1 × $13.00
OVERKILL Necklace Pendant (thrash metal) ... 076 1 × $13.99
GOAT VULVA Embroidered Patch (black metal) 1392 2 × $6.66
METAL DEVASTATION Embroidered Backpatch (store) 6664 1 × $12.99
MUNICIPAL WASTE Necklace Pendant (thrash metal) ...061 1 × $13.99
TWISTED SISTER Necklace Pendant (heavy metal) ... 080 1 × $13.99
SODOM AND GOMORRAH (USA)* - Black Sobereignty CD 1 × $14.00
ENSLAVED Necklace Pendant (black metal) ...027 1 × $13.99
DEEDS OF FLESH... (death metal) 572 1 × $6.66
DEATHSPELL OMEGA ...(black metal) 2393 2 × $6.66
CORPSE MOLESTATION Embroidered Patch (grind core) 3789 1 × $6.66
SATANIC WARMASTER Embroidered Patch (black metal) 1144 1 × $6.66
Subtotal: $156.56
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