Sub-Total: $250.59
DELIGHT -The Last Tale of Etern (048) 1 × $16.00
NECROPHAGIA - Necrotorture/Sickcess (091) 1 × $17.00
HATE ETERNAL -More Vision and the Voice (085) 1 × $18.00
LIZZY BORDEN -Superheroes (088) 1 × $15.00
MONSTERS OF DEATH,-Vol. 2: The Ultimate Death Compilation (098) 1 × $25.00
SUPERJOINT RITUAL -Live In Dallas, TX.. 2002 (036) 1 × $18.00
VADER -More Vision and the Voice (084) 1 × $18.00
ICRUSHER Vol. 2 Metal compilation (104) 1 × $8.00
ANATHEMA (UK)* - Resonance 2 Digipak CD 1 × $18.00
Anata - Dreams Of Death And Dismay 1 × $13.00
DEEDS OF FLESH... (death metal) 572 1 × $6.66
IN THE WOODS ...(black metal) 1232 1 × $6.66
CORPSE MOLESTATION Embroidered Patch (grind core) 3789 1 × $6.66
At The Gates - Gardens of Grief-In the Embrace of Evil 1 × $14.00
NUCLEAR DEATH ...(death grind) 1923 1 × $6.66
AMON AMARTH (Sweden)* - Fate Of Norns CD 1 × $16.00
JUDAS PRIEST Official Woven Patch (heavy thrash) (1550) 1 × $7.99
IRON MAIDEN Official Woven Patch (heavy metal) (1523) 1 × $7.99
LACRIMOSA... (goth metal) 118 1 × $3.99
BLACK SABBATH... (heavy metal). 111 1 × $3.99
SEPULTURA... (death thrash). 101 1 × $3.99
Subtotal: $250.59
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